Rabu, 26 November 2008


its my favourite sceNe since i was Born..

??? juSt kiddinG,, :)

this scEne teLLs about the 'manusia yg bermutasi gen' or nama kerennya "evolusi"

ternyatA mas 'DarwiN' mengilhami Crita seRial Tv ini..

thiS 'super Human' haD differeNt kemamPuan ( tentu aZ kemAmpuan yg keRenzz )

try to savE thE woRld from "LedakaN" yg bKalan terJadi di amRik soNoo...

tentu aZ u punyA paahLawan favorit ndiRi,tp klO gW siiH tetep "SYLAR" is tHe beSt !!!!

coZ we haVe the saMe faCe,, cOOL as iCE.... HE..he...

buT, i hadN't see The episode frOm latest SeasoN yeT !!!!

soo, if u dah paDa tau,,

kasiH tau gW dUUunKk !!!!


kemana my "hEroes" season 3???
gW pnAsaran bGd !!!
speciaLLy aboUt kembaLinya
sYLar menjadi tokoh jahatnya..
r u have known the ending???

Senin, 17 November 2008




thE contenT about u sEE is LegaLLy postEd by my